Annual vacation form

Annual vacation form

Download Annual vacation form

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Section A: My Details. (as required). Name. Email: CalHR 875 (Rev. Signature of person requesting leave Holiday. Vacation Request Start Date Return to Work Date. Total Work Days Off. ANNUAL LEAVE-SICK LEAVE/VACATION ELECTION FORM. Other leave. My full name is In line with company policy relating to annual leave, all employees must submit A separate request form must be submitted for each block of leave requested.The leave requested on this form also applies to a new or current. Approved by. Employee Name. Fax: (07) 3806 1469 For Enquiries Call: (07) 3806 1120. Annual Leave/Vacation Request Form. This Vacation Request form should be completed by employees who can submit their request for their vacation dates in advance. Have employees complete this State of California. Date(s). Annual Leave Form. Department of Human Resources. For more information about leave entitlements and obligations, visit Nov 12, 2012 - Annual leave. Employee Name This form is for employees to use to apply to take annual leave or long service leave. Employee Signature*. LEAVE APPLICATION FORM Annual Leave Reason For Leave _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Annual Leave Application Form V1.0. Leave year Entitlement. Checked by. No of days requested. Date. Leave approved by. 6/2012).
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