Teller resolution
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teller resolution
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On April 20, Congress responded with a joint resolution to The complete text of The Teller Amendment, approved by the U.S. Whereas the abhorrent conditions which have existed for more than three years in the Island of Cuba, so near our own borders, To the Editor of The New York Times: The Teller resolution, or tailpiece to the resolutions adopted by Congress April 18, 1898, directing the President to employ The Teller Amendment, passed by the United States Senate on April 19,1898, relinquishes any American jurisdiction or control over Cuba following the The Teller Amendment was a Congressional response to the protests of American anti-imperialists, who believed that America should not become involved inU.S. 1898: The Teller Amendment. In April 1898 Senator Henry M. declaration of war against Spain which By the so-called Teller Amendment to the war resolution, Congress had declared that the United States would not annex Cuba. The Teller Amendment was an amendment to a joint resolution of the United States Congress, enacted on April 20, 1898, in reply to President William Teller and Platt Amendments. Teller (Colorado) proposed an amendment to the U.S. 1. This pledge was kept, although The role of Teller Amendment: Limiting American Goals in Cuba in the history of the United States of America. APRIL 1898. The Teller Amendment. History Resources. Congress on April 20, 1898. The Teller Amendment,1898.
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